Quote of the Day

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03 December 2009

no man is an island

it's been a week. it's not that i haven' written a word so far, i've actually worked on the story i want to send to the females association competition in january. it must be 4 a4 full sheets, font size 12, so very limited. but the most difficult part is trying not to let biography interfere with the story, because the theme i must write about is generation contrasts, something very familiar to me.

paralelly, as a sort of therapeutic catarsis, i've been venting my feelings about what happened. borges said we should write about our pain later, in order to see a logical progression and feel better. it's helping me heal the pain and feeling strong enough to share it. it's helping me understand that No man is an island, Way out in the blue, We all look to the one above, For our strength to renew.


  1. I do agree!
    And of course i wish u succes in the competition!

    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, is good to learn about those "bad" times and be renewed and grateful to go on... after all, no matter if it takes us more time or not!

    Remember u're a eroina!!!


  2. Take your time, sweetie. This kind of things we need to process them slowly. It's very brave of you to share part of it in a story. It takes a lot of courage just to have the decision to deal with it, although it causes you pain. Lots of good vibes to you on this healing process.

  3. your support is important for me. with all the hurting things that happened in my family, sometimes i feel i'm the only one who isn't tolerant and consequentely the bad one. yuck!


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