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22 June 2010

slow food cruise

the weather was awful this week, it was about +10°C during the days with constant rain and peaks of -6°C in the mountains around, where it snowed too. this is unbeliavable for the official debut of the summer. what is it with this climate change? i hope the world leaders will find ways to solve the global challenge for the best, as we really are in the middle of climate hysteria right now.

before the weather collapsed, we had time to enjoy a day-long boat excursion. last saturday it was chilly but at least it dind't rain, and this allowed us to enjoy the cruise at its best. it was with the local slow food, a 'non-profit, eco-gastronomic member-supported organization that was founded in 1989 to counteract fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions and people’s dwindling interest in the food they eat, where it comes from, how it tastes and how our food choices affect the rest of the world'.

 some of the food we tasted

it was all about eating and drinking, and a lot, while surrounded by a wonderful scenery: the gulf of trieste and the grado lagoon. i've always liked water, it's the earth element that affects my thoughts and emotional feelings the best. and i'm not surprised, as i read that the water element is associated with our emotional self. so it's not a coincidence that the cities i love more and where i lived better always had a river, a lake or the sea nearby (see london and now trieste).

 piazza unità d'italia, the largest square in europe

trieste and its miramare castle

anfora, one of the smallest islands in grado lagoon

now, if only i didn't suffer of motion sickness! fortunately it only happens when i travel by boat, but for instance i can't read while in the car, it makes me dried sick. i took a tablet on the way back, but that made me miserably drowsy. i napped on the boat, fell asleep the minute i touched the pillow at home, awithout even undressing, and slept through all night for a good 14 hours in a row. i haven't slept that long since i was in junior school, i think!

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