Quote of the Day

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10 January 2010

oh sandra!

my blog has changed looks thanks to sandra, my remarkable friend from slovenia. her tips on how and where to find backgrounds were useful; it's one of the things we talked about when we met yesterday.

i love her as a person, she's the one i want to be with. there're people we have to meet because of work. people we cannot avoid for uncountable reasons. sandra is someone i just feel comfortable to be with because i simply like her.

i cannot say she's a penfriend, because she started as one but since we live so close we aren't technically. she's just a pure and lovely friend of mine. and that's it. so thanks sandra for these tips. i know you're my number one reader and i want to thank you for being my special friend publicily! muah!

1 comment:

  1. aaaawwwww Elda:)))) I can't tell you how glad I am you found me on Interpals! No, we are not pen friends, we started with e-mails and thank goodness we live so close. YOU are my special friend - it's not easy finding great friends when you are older, but we did it!! MUAH back!!!

    PS: I love your new background - it suits you!


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